DIY sessions to introduce Git and Github necessary for independent software development and contributing to the existing open source software(OSS) projects.
Hacktoberfest is a month long celebration of Free and open-source software(FOSS), their contributors and open-source culture.
Find the slides here
Date: 31-Oct-2022 Place: BV Jagadeesh Science Centre Multimedia Hall, National College Jayanagar Campus, Jayanagar 7th Block, Bengaluru No. of Students: 30
In VSCode Extensions, install
- vscode-reveal
- git cheatsheet
- markdown all in one
Learn how to deploy Hugo site in Github
outcome -
Students are
- introduced to open source software(OSS).
- are equipped to contribute to OSS.
- are equipped for independent software development.
- to use git and github for their future software projects.
- to host and deploy static site.
Agenda (Refer slides for a brief overview) -
- Students are provided the knowledge of open source software and licenses
- We introduce them to Github Markdown and help them in creating their Profile using .md file.
- Clone a Hugo Static site, modify and deploy it to gh-pages.(A open source static site generator helps in getting started for creating conference websites.)
- Make a PR to this repo to list their site in README.
Further opportunities
- Be a Developer advocate in Sigma Club, check out our list of ideas here.
- Help us host more events like this
- contribute to an existing open source project/build your own project.
- Create a blog page on BVJ Science Centre website.
- Design/Setup HTML template for our Newsletter.
- contribute to UI design of BVJ Science Centre Website.
- If you have any ideas, please feel free to approach us.