DONE - Learn you a Haskell for Great Good - Read this book along with solving exercises from first few chapters from haskell mooc(till chapter4a).
Haskell Programming from First Principles(HPFFP) - This book is too verbose and just eats my energy before heading to exercises. I have read up to 6th Chapter in this book.
Get Programming with Haskell - I have read this book for chap17(Monoids and Semigroups), Chap21 and later.
Started with Learn you a Haskell book, simultaneously solve learn4haskell exercises from github.
haskell-mooc - solved a few chapters from this repo.
cis194(spring 2013) - Solved the first exercise only, the rest seems to be out of my understanding.
FPIndia Static Site - Contributed to the static site which was utilising the unreleased development on multisite branch - multisite rewrite.
IDEA CLI app for displaying the haskell meetups around the world
Haskell exchange - I attended the beginner track of it in 2021. It was gave me different perspectives on beginner struggles and how to overcome them.
Haskell love - I have to rewatch the videos of these.
Functional Conference 2022(March 2022) - I did not watch this conference after a few sessions.
Mailing Lists
haskellweekly - I have been reading this every week, but not trying out things in blogs from last 6 months.
Good Articles/Blogs
Functor, Applicatives and Monads in pictures
Planet Haskell - Compilation of latest blog posts on haskell.
TODO Parsing with haskell
Las Gatos FP group - attended their Haskell in Depth Book discussion session.
Portland FP group - Haven't attended a single session till now.
Berlin FP group - This group conducts a online session every month called Bring Your Project, Get help with your code & socialise.
FP India Meetup - I conducted this meetup this year. It was really wonderful to meet a few haskellers.
Haskell Weekly by Taylor Fausak - Listened to a few podcasts. I need to listen to this frequently.